Please, how can I download this? Everything else is fine, but when I try to download Oathbreaker, it doesn't work.
Recent community posts
Thank you for this absolute gem! The storyline, the lore, the music, your art, your writing - it's all so captivating that I come back every now and then to be immersed once again even though I've basically went through everything 2 years ago. It's also the only game I never delete, unlike what I do with other vns when I'm finished reading.
Ebon Light could easily be my favorite visual novel out of the thousands I have read if only it gave an option to choose from different pronouns, and were a little less euro-centric and cisheteronormative. But the other aspects are amazingly brilliant that I give it 5 stars! Fully deserved!
How alluring! I signed up to just so I could leave a comment here. Everything is just so lovely and intimate, the choice of music also fills me with emotions. I did not realize this was a demo until it abruptly ended, shattering my heart into a thousand pieces. I'll be listening to the music to comfort myself while I wait for the full release.
Thank you for this experience, and best of success to you two!